Friday, 29 May 2015

Shapes In Samoan - FOLIGA O MEA

This task is about shapes, it's full of eight shapes... inside of the shapes gives the name in each language (Samoan And English). I created this doc/task because it is Samoan language week. If you need to figure out which shape is Fetu, Li'o, Fatu or even Taimane, i recommend you visit my site.

A Quick Samoan History Lesson

I made this DLO  about the Samoan History it is of course a short explanation.
I made this DLO because it relates to our languages (SLW) Samoan Language Week.
It explains a bit about their history and a bit more....

Samoan Language Phrases

Here are some phrases that you can use if visiting Samoa or talking to someone who speaks Samoan.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Schools Values In A Myth 'When Kiwi Lost His Wings.'

Shantai and I worked together as a team to create this DLO (digital learning object )about the Maori story/myth 'When Kiwi Lost His Wings.' This story is about a brave kiwi who sacrifices all things that mean well to him only to protect Tane Mahuta and his children(tree children).

Friday, 15 May 2015

School Values In A Myth - Legend Of The Te Haruru Waterfall And Tangiteoria Stream In Pauanui

Today for inquiry we were given a task, our task was to fill in this document to a year 8 standard. Before we filled our task in we had to choose a myth or legend from our culture.

Addition Triangle/Pyramid

This is the addition triangle or pyramid... me and my friend decided to work on this but it was a separate task. I had to add up the small numbers to create one big one. 

Comparing And Contrasting - Rona And The Moon vs Kupe And The Giant Wheke

Once again I worked with Deandra and Shantai, we compared a contrasted a Maori Myth and Legend. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!

Maori Languages With Shantai

In this task I worked with my classmate/one of my best friends Shantai. We had to answer a simple question which was  'He aha tenei?', meaning in english (what is this?). To answer this properly we had to write 'He _s_o_m_e_t_h_i_n_g_ tenei.' Which means 'this is a _s_o_m_e_t_h_i_n_g_.'

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Rainbow Crow & Robin Hood - Comparing Task - Deandra/Shantai And Me

This is one of the task that we were given to do for our topic 'Myths And Legends'.
I worked with Deandra and Shantai, two of my classmates. We each worked on one part of the task so we could finish it faster. The stories that we were given for the comparing task were chosen by Whaea Petra, these stories where 'Rainbow Crow' and 'Robin Hood'.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Friends Wanted (DLO) WIth Deandra And Shantai

Today Shantai, Deandra and I worked as a group to create this DLO  (digital learning object)
This topic is based around 'Skills For Adolescence'. This was created to inform others who is or how you can be a good friend.