Monday, 17 August 2015

Writing Progress - Term 3 Week 5

Writing Progress - Term 3 Week 5

In week 3 I started crafting my recount about a past experience during my child hood. It was based around me and my friend playing inside trolleys.

I see that my writing strengths are peering ideas together. Which means I am good at making my work link with each other. I know this because when I look back at my writing I can see that my work is linked up, especially with ideas. This is a good thing, but it does mean that I am not thinking out of the box. Or in another way I'm saying that my ideas aren't as big as they should be.

Reflecting on my current writing skills I think I need to work on making my sentences more interesting. If I can make my work interesting it means I am entertaining my audience which is an author's purpose when they are or when I am writing.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Term 3 Goals

WALT: Critically know our goals off by heart without needing them copied down or said to ourselves. My goals personally reflect on myself because they are the challenges that I need use to become the standard that has been provided. Scrolling through the slides, you will see the things that I struggle with and my weaknesses, but then you will also see my strengths that come and go.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Trolley Recount - Past Experience

This recount is about a past experience that I experienced a few months ago. Me and my current best friend were bored during my mums shopping day so we decided to play around in the trolleys. This event happened to be a very memorable day for me and my best friend. I hope you enjoy and read the WHOLE presentation. Our WALT is to write a past experience relating to something we 'myself' did in our childhood. AKA(childhood memory.

Friday, 29 May 2015

Shapes In Samoan - FOLIGA O MEA

This task is about shapes, it's full of eight shapes... inside of the shapes gives the name in each language (Samoan And English). I created this doc/task because it is Samoan language week. If you need to figure out which shape is Fetu, Li'o, Fatu or even Taimane, i recommend you visit my site.

A Quick Samoan History Lesson

I made this DLO  about the Samoan History it is of course a short explanation.
I made this DLO because it relates to our languages (SLW) Samoan Language Week.
It explains a bit about their history and a bit more....

Samoan Language Phrases

Here are some phrases that you can use if visiting Samoa or talking to someone who speaks Samoan.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Schools Values In A Myth 'When Kiwi Lost His Wings.'

Shantai and I worked together as a team to create this DLO (digital learning object )about the Maori story/myth 'When Kiwi Lost His Wings.' This story is about a brave kiwi who sacrifices all things that mean well to him only to protect Tane Mahuta and his children(tree children).

Friday, 15 May 2015

School Values In A Myth - Legend Of The Te Haruru Waterfall And Tangiteoria Stream In Pauanui

Today for inquiry we were given a task, our task was to fill in this document to a year 8 standard. Before we filled our task in we had to choose a myth or legend from our culture.

Addition Triangle/Pyramid

This is the addition triangle or pyramid... me and my friend decided to work on this but it was a separate task. I had to add up the small numbers to create one big one. 

Comparing And Contrasting - Rona And The Moon vs Kupe And The Giant Wheke

Once again I worked with Deandra and Shantai, we compared a contrasted a Maori Myth and Legend. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!

Maori Languages With Shantai

In this task I worked with my classmate/one of my best friends Shantai. We had to answer a simple question which was  'He aha tenei?', meaning in english (what is this?). To answer this properly we had to write 'He _s_o_m_e_t_h_i_n_g_ tenei.' Which means 'this is a _s_o_m_e_t_h_i_n_g_.'

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Rainbow Crow & Robin Hood - Comparing Task - Deandra/Shantai And Me

This is one of the task that we were given to do for our topic 'Myths And Legends'.
I worked with Deandra and Shantai, two of my classmates. We each worked on one part of the task so we could finish it faster. The stories that we were given for the comparing task were chosen by Whaea Petra, these stories where 'Rainbow Crow' and 'Robin Hood'.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Friends Wanted (DLO) WIth Deandra And Shantai

Today Shantai, Deandra and I worked as a group to create this DLO  (digital learning object)
This topic is based around 'Skills For Adolescence'. This was created to inform others who is or how you can be a good friend.

Friday, 24 April 2015

My Pepeha

The Ghost Of Bastille- A Myth From France With Deandra And Kahlicia

The ghost of bastille is a myth from France, it was created by a lady named Eleanor Smith. I worked with Deandra and Kahlicia from room 10 (kia manawanui).

Lest We Forget - Anzac Poppy

Lest We Forget- 
The red petals on the poppy represent the shedded blood that the soldiers lost, the heart of the poppy represents a symbol of grief for the men who never came back.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Chardonnay, Deandra & Shantai-School Value To Represent T.P.S

This is another one of our school values Tukumarie, as you can
see we have explained many things on our poster.

Rangimarie - With Deandra & Shantai Group

Yesterday evening me, Deandra and Shantai created a google drawing
relating to our school values. This value is Rangimarie! in english Rangimarie means Peace.

Monday, 16 March 2015

WORD OF THE WEEK (Philanthropist)

Our reading group's task was to complete our word of the week task. Our word for the week was philanthropist. This word means a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.

Monday, 9 March 2015

WORD OF THE WEEK (Sacrifice) With Shantai

This is our word for the week, our classroom (room 10) has three words for every week. One of our words for this week includes 'Sacrifice'. In my DLO I had to make three sentences that includes the words sacrifice. We also had to make sure that there was a picture that was related to the word.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Amazing Race - Kia Manawanui 2015

Kia Manawanui Tree

Recount - Tamaki Pool Picnic Day

Tamaki Pool Picnic Day

I sat there in the car, waiting for my mum to put my baby brother into the pram. We slowly made our way into the rest rooms, I waited patiently while my mum got changed into her swimwear. I could hear our school splashing and screaming while we were heading to the outside pools, while I was walking I saw teachers and caregivers chatting and laughing together.
My mum and I had already decided that we would sit near the water park.

My brother crawled as quickly as he could to get to the waterpark, while my mum was a few steps behind. His expression was breath taking, he looked incredibly amazed as he lay his hand above the water pads. The hot air was in every corner, burning everyones feet as they stomped on the concrete.

I scanned the pool looking for my friend, but before I knew it, she found me. We both splashed our feet into the water, the whole place was filled with laughter. Shantai and I both started taking photo’s of the event, we went around areas that people were mostly hanging around. The smell of chlorine was everywhere.

During lunch time everyone started exiting the pool to wait in the big queue for the sausage sizzle. While they were waiting, I sat down near the water park and ate my food from my bag. Everyone from school had to sit down and eat their sausages, which lead me no choice but to wait until they were finished eating. The scent of the sausages cooking was mouthwatering.

After my friends were finished, we went near the deep end of the pools and sat on the edge. All of us were throwing things and trying to push each other into the water. The expression on my friends faces looked so delighted. The sun reflected into the crystal clear water and sparkled into my eyes as if it was a mirror.
It was so soon before the school had to leave, when it was time, there was a large amount of people heading into the same direction at the same time. Others, stood around and waited for people to move. Later on, when it was less crowded me and my mum walked over to the car and packed our things away, before we knew it, we had already left and were on our way home.

Comparing Heroes Diagram

My Superhero - SWIFTIE

DLO Chart - Personal View Of A Hero