I am a Year 8 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 10 and my teacher is Ms Aireen.
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
(Cyber Smarts) Online Phishing
Here is a small presentation full of info that me and my friend Shantai wanted to share with you today! For cyber smarts we learnt about online phishing! This is a really dangerous thing that is happing around the globe! Please watch this small presentation that can help you keep safe and know what to do when someone is spamming you or sending fake emails!! REMEMBER: If any site ask for your personal details, do not give it to them!
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Friday, 24 October 2014
Tessellation Maths
Today we made Tessellations, some made them on their netbooks and some drew them in their books. I luckily made my tessellation on my netbook. Here are two photo's of my tessellations. :)
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Xtra Maths - Race The Teacher
Race the Teacher
You got this many in a row!
Today I played Xtra Maths, I got ten in a row racing against the teacher!! Next time I think i'm going to work on my speed because I think I type too slow :)
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Tuakana Teina 2014 Rm 1 & Rm 8
Today Rm8 & Rm 1 had a tuakana teina day... this is a song that we taught Rm1.
Monday, 8 September 2014
Waitangi Trip
On Monday morning Student Council and Royal Pages went on a trip to Waitangi..
Please watch this video to see how fun it was!!
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
TPS Discoveries Fair 02/07/14
Today, TPS celebrated our topic of 'discoveries' with a science fair. All 10 classes shared their discoveries that they had made throughout the whole term.
Two things that I find interesting to find out at the science fair were . .
1. When you have two plastic cups and put a string through them and talk, on the other side you can hear your voice talking.
2. Oil, mentos and food colouring can make a lava lamp, all you need is a big bottle and the ingredients to put it in, at the end when you put mentos in the bottle it will make a lava lamp.
Here are some photo's from the event.

Two things that I find interesting to find out at the science fair were . .
1. When you have two plastic cups and put a string through them and talk, on the other side you can hear your voice talking.
2. Oil, mentos and food colouring can make a lava lamp, all you need is a big bottle and the ingredients to put it in, at the end when you put mentos in the bottle it will make a lava lamp.
Here are some photo's from the event.
Monday, 23 June 2014
Monday, 26 May 2014
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Tuakana Teina Day
Today it is tuakana teina day, that means the junior classes and the senior classes gather up for the day, we have room 9 for the day, my partner's name is Destiny, she is always keen to do work on the netbook. Today we think that it is going to be a really fun and chaos day.
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Monday, 31 March 2014
Fruit Shoot Place Value 31.03.14
I finished the level without missing anything, I also got 100% and I got my name up on the high scores but only for 19 my name is under C.T
For medium I got 45, and my name went up on the high scores still as C.T
Friday, 28 March 2014
Maths 2014 Negative And Positive.
Yesterday we were with the teacher and she taught us how to use negative and positive numbers, today she wrote some maths problems for us to solve. Here is my work that I completed.
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Story Starters~ An Old Lawyer's House
Story Starters ~ They start random stories, first you choose a topic out of
Adventure - Fantasy - Sci-Fi and Scrambler and then you write your name in and then it should come up looking like this
And then when you are done you click next and choose what you want.
We do this every week for homework so if you are keen to see more stick around every week to see my story starters.
Monday, 24 March 2014
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Monday, 17 March 2014
Transformation Machine - Maths
Today in the morning block, The Cubes which is my maths group that I'm in had to play Transformation Machine, the top photo is one that I completed in one guess!
The one at the bottom was completed after my first one.
Here is a site for the Transformation Machine game, this is what it should look like,
Friday, 14 March 2014
Thursday, 13 March 2014
North Head Photo Album
Here is a photo album from our North Head trip when we went on our trip to Devonport.
Yesterday/Wednesday 13 March 2014 T.P.S went on a trip to Devonport, we got there on a Navvy boat and walked up the mountain of North Head, we looked at the past.
Recount For North Head Trip
On the 12th of Wednesday March 2014 Room 8, 1, 6, 4, 3 and 9 went on a trip for our Enquiry Unit, we were learning about Anzac and history, we trotted up North Head Mountain and saw some unexpected things that was mind blowing. Early in the day when we first arrived at school Miss Kyla which is our beautiful teacher put our class into groups with a small amount of people, luckily I stayed in Miss Kyla's group with my best friend ShantaiH. When we were all ready in a line we headed down to the buses, at first it was confusing for which bus we were going in. When we were in the bus me and my friend Shantai were silent throughout the whole bus ride. As soon as the bus stopped everyone were pushing to go out the doors. When we were waiting for the Navvy ship to come, some teachers were telling all of us to gather up and take a pic, as soon as we got in the bus I got a little sea sick so I pulled out my book and read for a while.
Getting out of the Navvy Boat was rush full, we went to a nearby park and sat under the shady trees. As soon as we left that tree our adventure had started, we walked pass some main streets and some friendly people. All of us were already tired from walking, but when it got to walking up the mountain we all wanted to quit, at first we had our morning tea followed Miss Kyla half way up the mountain.When we were up the mountain everyone was walking ahead of Miss Kyla and getting told off for doing it, on our way up we looked at a big whole that looked like a arena and also saw a cannon (that's were we took a school photo). I think the thing I did most was find somewhere shady and sat down for a while. When we were all the way at the top of the mountain we went into the tunnels, it was dark, but too many people were pushing and tugging. At the end of that the T.P.S school went back down. I think walking down is better than walking up. As soon as we got back to school everyone was falling asleep with tired faces, even me. I think it was the best trip so far this year. I was feeling nervous and exaggerated a little too much.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Cybersmart - Wordle
This is a wordle about cybersmart and what can happen on the internet with things like facebook, twitter, instagram, kik etc.
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