The Push Play! group will show why exercising is important.
Push Play! from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
I am a Year 8 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 10 and my teacher is Ms Aireen.
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Push Play - Movie
Manaiakalani Film Festival,
Push Play,
Clean And Green - Movie.
The 'Clean and Green' group in Room 7 put together a movie about keeping our environment tidy.
Clean and Green from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Clean and Green from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Manaiakalani Film Festival,
Honesty Is The Best Policy - Movie.
Manaiakalani Film Festival,
Be A Buddy Not A Bully - Movie.
Tagging Is Bad - Movie
Holiday Brochure.
Have a good Holiday.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
TPS - Athletics Day 2012
Press play to watch a movie about our Athletics Day.
T.P.S NEWS- Athletics Day from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
T.P.S NEWS- Athletics Day from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
TPS-Room 7's Movie Trailer.
In Term 2 our school's inquiry topic was about 'Magic Movies'. Here is a trailer of our movies we made throughout Term 2.
Room 7 Movie Tralier from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Room 7 Movie Tralier from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Manaiakalani Film Festival - School Is Cool.
In Term 2 we were learning a lot about movie magic, and how movies can influence our world. We created many movies. We started by brainstorming key messages we could include in our movies.
We also made a movie that explains how to plant kumara. It was really fun to do. We created this movie to inspire people to learn how to grow their own kumara.
Our movie for The Manaiakalani Film Festival is called 'School Is Cool'. We made it to share all of the cool learning and fun that we have at school.
Our movie was also shown at the Tamaki Primary Academy Awards. We created a PMI about Movie Magic and shared what we liked, what was challenging and interesting.
School is Cool from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
We also made a movie that explains how to plant kumara. It was really fun to do. We created this movie to inspire people to learn how to grow their own kumara.
Our movie for The Manaiakalani Film Festival is called 'School Is Cool'. We made it to share all of the cool learning and fun that we have at school.
Our movie was also shown at the Tamaki Primary Academy Awards. We created a PMI about Movie Magic and shared what we liked, what was challenging and interesting.
School is Cool from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Room 7's Favourite Fruits.
4 students like apples
10 students like strawberry's
6 students like including me like grapes
The same amount of people likes bananas, peaches and oranges but no one likes pears.
collecting data,
column graph,
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Room 7 Planing Kumara.
In week 3 Room 7 planted kumara in our school kai garden. We would like to say a special thank you to Koro for helping us.
Press play to watch how we planted kumara. This clip was put together by Willy and Danisha.
Room 7 Planting Kumara from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Press play to watch how we planted kumara. This clip was put together by Willy and Danisha.
Room 7 Planting Kumara from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Guy Fawkes - Misi Moa and Chardonnay
One cold colourful night,
I crept out into the window to look at the amazing colourful fireworks in the sky.
I watched window the people light up their fireworks and run away with a frightened and amazed face. We could see a war zone going on with fireworks and I could hear people clapping loudly and also fireworks passing with the wind and shining like the shivering water.
I could smell the fresh smoke and BBQ I felt the amazing fresh air as I was amazed with excitement as my mouth was stuffed with sausages.
The fireworks drifted in the sky. I felt the fireworks jumping off my hand and lastly I had a great time.
Friday, 2 November 2012
Renewable And Non-Renewable Energy
This is my presentation about non-renewable and renewable energy.
Friday, 19 October 2012
My Video log about Energy.
This is my first Vlog about this terms topic, Energy
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Friday, 17 August 2012
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
The Deep Dark Cave.
Once in the deep dark forest, called Caves of the Doom, it was called that because there was a dark cave in the forest that was very big. There lived some extraordinary boys named Jimmy and Jammy. They lived in a little wooden house made by their father that was built years ago. Jimmy was helpful, extraordinary and nice to other people. But Jammy was the one who was silly, crazy, naughty and the cheeky one around the forest.
They both had personalities that were the opposite from each other but they certainly looked the same so this made people think they were identical twins. The house they lived in was located on 34 Twenty road which was just around the block from the dark, black cave. The dark, black cave is a mystery that nobody knows. No one goes in this cave because it was too dark you couldn’t see anything at all, even with a torch you could see pitch black it was very spooky. Jimmy and Jammy’s grandpa went in the cave on the first day they were born. But he never return home that night and nobody knew what happen to him.Jimmy and Jammy’s father always told odd stories about this cave but they very good story's.
Their father use to tell them stories of the brown basket with tiny little flowers in it but you should never touch these flowers never ever because something dangerous thing might happen to you, it always hooked them into the story when their dad told them it. Even though it was very frightening and scary. That was the only interesting story they knew because there were no libraries, schools or parks in the deep dark forest and there weren't any TVs too, it was usually quiet around the place.
One quiet morning, the two boys made their breakfast which was always cereal and milk. They did their chores inside and outside of the house, they chopped wood and made fire. They dried and washed their clothes.
But after their chores Jammy had a stupid idea to leave the house and go in the scary forest into the dark cave that their father spoke of. Jimmy disagreed with him but Jammy wouldn’t listen to Jimmy. As Jammy was packing up to leave the house Jimmy was explaining to Jammy why he shouldn’t go into the cave, he was telling Jammy ‘No Jammy if you go into the deep, dark, black, mystery cave who wouldn’t know what would happen to you?’Jammy replied, “Yeah and that is why I’m going i will find out what the mystery is and return in any day”.Jimmy tried to persuade Jammy not to go but he did not listen because he was eager to find out what was in the dark, mystery cave.
Jammy went into the forest and saw all the scary things that his dad talked about but he just kept walking on. He saw a little stream heading into one side of the cave so he followed the stream.But way back home Jimmy was yelling Jammys name, ‘Jammy where are you?’ But there was no reply back. So Jimmy ran into the forest and found Jammys missing shoe that he wore on his left foot. It was muddy and wet. Jimmy didn’t care he just kept it as a mystery.
When Jammy reached the very odd spot he prepared to stay the night but he didn’t know how to prepare to sleep and he didn’t have any camping gear. He said to himself ‘Only if i had my brother right beside me he would know what to do’. Jammy sighed hugely with fear and hope.
After a while Jimmy saw the same lake that his brother found to but he was getting too tired to walk any further so he got in a cosy spot and fell asleep. It was the same with Jammy they were fast asleep.In the morning their parents were woken by the alarm o'clock but Mr J wasn’t bothered to turn it off so he had a big yell ‘JIMMY JAMMY TURN IT OFF’. But after three long minutes it was still going and going until his wife MRS J slammed the clock onto the ground and replied to Mr J ‘JIMMY AND JAMMY ARE MISSING!!!,So MR J got his gun out of his van and ran out of his door yelling ‘JIMMY JAMMY GET IN THIS HOUSE NOW’, And there was a echo saying NOW NOW NOW It was so loud it woke the entire village up it even woke his two boys up.
Jammy reached to the cave but out of nowhere Jimmy jump on his back making him fall over and Jimmy told him ‘NO don’t go in the cave but Jammy replied ‘I am!, you're not the boss of me i’m not a baby any more!’So Jimmy jump on his back which started a fight it was going on and on and on but they wouldn’t stop until somebody one it was taking 7 minutes and 45 seconds the fight was so massive they both wanted to stop. Then straight away Jammy stopped and he saw a basket that their grandpa saw too, he spoke the words ‘you win let’s go home and’ But Jimmy talked over him and replied ‘here i'll’ help you up’. So they got up and head back home but then Jammy spoke ‘speaking of home what would mom and father say about us?’
But at home they were searching in the school at the park and even under the bed but mother saw them and told their father. Their parents told them not to sneak or run or hide away from them again’ and they agreed. They would never ever go into the forest and cave again.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Friday, 20 July 2012
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
ROOM 7'S PMIS- Movie Magic
What did you like about this term’s unit?
- Using a camera.
- Having the opportunity to edit a movie. Some of us are now confident to edit a movie and are now going to be helping our teacher edit T.P.S News.
- Working as a group to plan our movies.
- This unit helped us build stronger relationships with each other especially when we were working as a group to produce and edit our movies.
- Speeches! - doing and preparing a speech helped developed our presenting skills.
- We have become confident in sharing our ideas without being shy.
- Learning about movie making equipment like the tripod, imove programme, flip cam etc.
- Enjoyed learning about the movie making process - brainstorming, planning, script writing, storyboarding, filming, editing, presenting.
- Learning about the different effective camera shots.
- Everyone in our class was in a movie.
- Finishing the movie off with a whole school Academy awards. This made us feel very proud of our hardwork! We felt like REAL professional film makers.
- Our whanau and friends being proud of us - they really appreciated our movies.
- We have definitely expanded our knowledge about movie making and have developed good movie making skills that we want to share with others. We look forward to continuing our Movie Magic journey and learning more fun ways to extend our movie making skills.
What challenges did you have with this unit?
- Waiting for our turn to film because there was only one flip-cam and a tripod.
- We had some groups using the same filming location so we had to wait for them to finish filming and sometimes it ment we couldn't film because they were taking too long. For example the staff room, corridor, reading room etc.
- We couldn’t film sometimes as some students were away and the weather was not too good as well.
- Memorising our lines for our scripts.
What interested you about this unit?
- The editing process.
- Adding sound effects and music to our movies.
- Learning how professional film makers make movies and trying to develop their skills throughout the process of our film making experience.
- Learning the movie elements helped us to make our movies interesting to watch!
- SolutionHow could we improve on this unit next time.
- More flip-cams and tripods.
- Have the Imovie programme on our netbooks so that we could edit our movies instead of waiting for a group to finish.
Friday, 22 June 2012
My Speech about Netbooks
I felt very scared and I was nervous.
What was the hardest part about preparing a speech?
The hardest thing about preparing the speech was trying to know all my speech when I’m shy.
What did you enjoy most about speeches?
That no one laughed at me and that everybody liked it.
I had fun when I presented my speech.
How could you improve your speech making next time?
Putting my speech in order and speaking a bit louder. I will make more eye contact with my audience next time.
Friday, 1 June 2012
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Titanic The Ship That Sank.
Everybody called the ship ‘The ship of dreams’. A very rich lady named Rose was headed to the ship of dreams, Before she went on the biggest ship of all history which was called the ship of dreams, she said “This isn't very big it looks like a normal ship”, But her husband said to her “This is twice as big as a normal ship my dear. Well, my opinion it looks normal now lets get in before it gets packed.” They went in the ship and found their cabin. Down by the big ship of dreams there was a little shop, men were having a little game of poker, There names were Jack Mike and the other two were called William and Brad, Jack and his friend wanted to get in nuff money to go on the Titanic. Suddenly they were going to win and then Jack said “We're going to New york!” So they went running and running with their money into they reached the boat it was almost closing so they speeded across the people and pushed in line the they were just in time to get on Titanic,Then he said “Wow, this place is packed’! so they went to their cabs to get some midnight sleep, in the morning, Jack went to draw out side on the deck, He was trying to find something to draw, suddenly a beautiful woman came out on the high deck she was so pretty that he wanted to paint he got his sketching pencil and started to paint her, When was finished he went to go and talk to her but then her husband came out and told her to get inside, One day he saw the beautiful Rose again and he rushed to her and said ‘hi my name is Jack, Jack Dawson’, And then she replied to him and said ‘Well hello mr Dawson it's a pleasure to meet you’,
Then shook his hand,Do you want to get a coffee? And she said “Sure let's go”.
The went off to get some coffee.
But then when they got back two of the captains men rang the bell and yelled at the top of their lungs “ICE BERG ICE BERG!” And then the captain heard the bell ring. He got all his men and had a little meeting, The captain said ‘We have to make a plan we are headed towards a iceberg for crying out loud!
Then four of his men stand up and said “Well what are we supposed to do!” and then they went stomping out. Then Rose sore her husband and said to Jack run! Then he answered “Why?” and she said very quickly “No time for questions run!”
So they ran very fast. Her husband said “ Rose!” Then took out his gun and ran after them.Jack and Rose ran laughing,Then Jack said “Not to be mean but your husband is crazy!” But then the boat was getting filled with water, then the captains men said “Everybody get in theses pile of boats now!” then all the people rushed and screamed while the boat was getting heavier and heavier.Jack and Rose went on the upper deck where Roses husband wouldn't see them, Jack sore all the people lining up ready to leave then he tapped her shoulder and said ‘Rose look!’ She answered him and said ‘What Jack what?’ ‘those people there leaving!’Jack said in a very serious way.Then Rose and Jack went to go on the upper deck they saw the water coming towards them when it got up to their feet it felt like a freezing cold ice cube they were so cold that they couldn't feel their feet.Jack and Rose went all the way like the others they were frightened like it was the end of the world.The boat was filled of water that the boat went all the way up and the bottom of the boat was sinking all of the plates were falling and crashing towards the wall.The furniture was breaking and some were smashing, some people fell off and some people were sliding down the slippery decks.People were so crazy that the fell over board for purpose.’AHH’ People were screaming and shouting. Then Rose said ‘look Jack, look at all those people dying were not going to die are we?’But Jack never answered.
The boat was going high as they were holding on to the poles,It was going very high the bottom of the boat sank deep into the cold freezing water.
‘Lets go upper said Jack’!Then Rose said ‘What about the others?’Then he said ‘Don’t worry they will be ok Rose, just care about yourself for now ok’.They rushed all the way up high as they could go, it was very windy that Roses hat fell into the water.Then the boat was sinking all the way to the bottom.Jack said to Rose ‘Hold on to me and when i count to three let go of the pole but still hold on to me ok!’ so he started to count ‘one,two and three!’ The boat went under Jack and Rose were floating together. Rose felt the water as it went through her dress and imagined when Jack told her how freezing the water was when he touched it. 2 hours later no boats were there to save them.Rose was cold as ice she couldn't breathe.
But then she saw a flashing light coming towards her and she knew that it was a boat.She saw a little whistle and blew it very loud so they came but she looked at Jack and knew that Jack didn’t survive and she tried waking him up but he didn’t wake up so she let him go in the water. She cried when she got on the boat she was still looking at Jack.She was so sad because she loved him.No one ever cared about him or even botherd to help him. 10 years later Rose had her own house and her grand-daughter lived with her too. On the news, They were talking about when the Titanic sank and who survived the only one was Rose.
The End.

Then shook his hand,Do you want to get a coffee? And she said “Sure let's go”.
The went off to get some coffee.
But then when they got back two of the captains men rang the bell and yelled at the top of their lungs “ICE BERG ICE BERG!” And then the captain heard the bell ring. He got all his men and had a little meeting, The captain said ‘We have to make a plan we are headed towards a iceberg for crying out loud!
Then four of his men stand up and said “Well what are we supposed to do!” and then they went stomping out. Then Rose sore her husband and said to Jack run! Then he answered “Why?” and she said very quickly “No time for questions run!”
So they ran very fast. Her husband said “ Rose!” Then took out his gun and ran after them.Jack and Rose ran laughing,Then Jack said “Not to be mean but your husband is crazy!” But then the boat was getting filled with water, then the captains men said “Everybody get in theses pile of boats now!” then all the people rushed and screamed while the boat was getting heavier and heavier.Jack and Rose went on the upper deck where Roses husband wouldn't see them, Jack sore all the people lining up ready to leave then he tapped her shoulder and said ‘Rose look!’ She answered him and said ‘What Jack what?’ ‘those people there leaving!’Jack said in a very serious way.Then Rose and Jack went to go on the upper deck they saw the water coming towards them when it got up to their feet it felt like a freezing cold ice cube they were so cold that they couldn't feel their feet.Jack and Rose went all the way like the others they were frightened like it was the end of the world.The boat was filled of water that the boat went all the way up and the bottom of the boat was sinking all of the plates were falling and crashing towards the wall.The furniture was breaking and some were smashing, some people fell off and some people were sliding down the slippery decks.People were so crazy that the fell over board for purpose.’AHH’ People were screaming and shouting. Then Rose said ‘look Jack, look at all those people dying were not going to die are we?’But Jack never answered.
The boat was going high as they were holding on to the poles,It was going very high the bottom of the boat sank deep into the cold freezing water.
‘Lets go upper said Jack’!Then Rose said ‘What about the others?’Then he said ‘Don’t worry they will be ok Rose, just care about yourself for now ok’.They rushed all the way up high as they could go, it was very windy that Roses hat fell into the water.Then the boat was sinking all the way to the bottom.Jack said to Rose ‘Hold on to me and when i count to three let go of the pole but still hold on to me ok!’ so he started to count ‘one,two and three!’ The boat went under Jack and Rose were floating together. Rose felt the water as it went through her dress and imagined when Jack told her how freezing the water was when he touched it. 2 hours later no boats were there to save them.Rose was cold as ice she couldn't breathe.
But then she saw a flashing light coming towards her and she knew that it was a boat.She saw a little whistle and blew it very loud so they came but she looked at Jack and knew that Jack didn’t survive and she tried waking him up but he didn’t wake up so she let him go in the water. She cried when she got on the boat she was still looking at Jack.She was so sad because she loved him.No one ever cared about him or even botherd to help him. 10 years later Rose had her own house and her grand-daughter lived with her too. On the news, They were talking about when the Titanic sank and who survived the only one was Rose.
The End.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Character Description - Zedfer
Today I read a play about aliens that come to planet earth. The play is called Communication Breakdown. We are practicing our presentation skills as this will help us prepare for our movie making project next week.
The character I play in the story is an alien called Zedfer. He is a very brainy alien and he is very intelligent. He is green and his eyes are black. Zedfer has big large dots on him too. I would want to be like Zedfer because he is intelligent and brainy and brainy people are clever at solving problems and making the right decisions.
The character I play in the story is an alien called Zedfer. He is a very brainy alien and he is very intelligent. He is green and his eyes are black. Zedfer has big large dots on him too. I would want to be like Zedfer because he is intelligent and brainy and brainy people are clever at solving problems and making the right decisions.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Reverse Key
Today for reading I am doing a movie magic thinkers key I have chosen the Reverse Key.
Name 12 things a microphone cannot be used for.
Name 12 things a microphone cannot be used for.
- Using a microphone to flush the toilet.
- Having the poll fulled of microphones.
- Making a pillow out of microphones.
- Using a microphone as pois.
- Using a microphone when you want to talk under water.
- Making a bean bag out of microphone's.
- Using a microphone as a ice-cream cone.
- Using a microphone to clean the toilet.
- Scrubbing the dishes with a microphone.
- Cooking a microphone.
- Putting a ice-block on top of the microphone.
- Taking the microphone to the beach.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Monday, 2 April 2012
Friday, 30 March 2012
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
The Journey Of Life
A long time ago, way back in the days there was a new baby about to be born on earth. Her mum called her Bradley. But the sad thing was her mother died .Also there was a bad person named Jaxon he was as bulky as anyone could be because he was an evil spirit but no one knew him. He was as strong as hulk and mean as anyone could be. Also there was a beautiful daughter birthed by the same mother. But she was 19 years old. Her name was Jessie, she was as pretty as a flower and she smelt as pretty as the best thing that smelt nice in the world.
Ten years later they all were living happy but Bradley really badly wanted to know who her birth mother was but all she knew is that she was dead ,So one night Bradley and Jessie decided to sneak out side.No one knew that they were going to the grave yard,It was called the haunted graveyard. When they got to the haunted graveyard Bradley pointed and said ‘Ghost’.Then straight away she saw her mom's grave and then she rubbed the dust off and read the words out loud ‘Hear lies Sarah Jones RIP’. She saw that it was very old and dusty,But suddenly they heard voices. ‘Go away... ‘’You will be cursed,’Ah’. Both of the girls said and they ran but then somebody just jumped at front of them and they got a big fright,The man just grabbed Bradley and scared her. He said with a big voice ‘Don’t move or I'll scare her’. Then Jessie said give her back’. Then he said ‘ I am the evil spirit that will curse you’ ‘so i am going to curse you with pain so go away or I’ll kill one of you girlies’. Then Jesse called the cops but there was no service so she told him ‘Give my sister and we will leave’. So he set her free and just disappeared,Then with excitement he closed the gate when they went out.
After that Jessie and Bradley went home.Jessie helped Bradley with her bandage so her hand could get better. Then Bradley said ‘That was close’‘Go to bed.Jesse answered ‘OK. Bradley said.Then she went to bed and dreamed about what she would do with her mum if she was alive.And Bradley and Jessie learnt a lesson to never go to that graveyard again.
Ten years later they all were living happy but Bradley really badly wanted to know who her birth mother was but all she knew is that she was dead ,So one night Bradley and Jessie decided to sneak out side.No one knew that they were going to the grave yard,It was called the haunted graveyard. When they got to the haunted graveyard Bradley pointed and said ‘Ghost’.Then straight away she saw her mom's grave and then she rubbed the dust off and read the words out loud ‘Hear lies Sarah Jones RIP’. She saw that it was very old and dusty,But suddenly they heard voices. ‘Go away... ‘’You will be cursed,’Ah’. Both of the girls said and they ran but then somebody just jumped at front of them and they got a big fright,The man just grabbed Bradley and scared her. He said with a big voice ‘Don’t move or I'll scare her’. Then Jessie said give her back’. Then he said ‘ I am the evil spirit that will curse you’ ‘so i am going to curse you with pain so go away or I’ll kill one of you girlies’. Then Jesse called the cops but there was no service so she told him ‘Give my sister and we will leave’. So he set her free and just disappeared,Then with excitement he closed the gate when they went out.
After that Jessie and Bradley went home.Jessie helped Bradley with her bandage so her hand could get better. Then Bradley said ‘That was close’‘Go to bed.Jesse answered ‘OK. Bradley said.Then she went to bed and dreamed about what she would do with her mum if she was alive.And Bradley and Jessie learnt a lesson to never go to that graveyard again.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Thursday, 1 March 2012
All About Me
Hi my name is Chardonnay. I was born in Auckland New Zealand. I am nine years old. I have black short hair and my eyes are light coloured –brown. I am beautiful and glamorous.
I have a brother and a sister. I live with my mum and my brother. My sister is 19 years old and my brother is 10. I have 2 cats and thousands of chickens. I love my family because they love me.
I am Maori and I love my culture because it represents who I am.
I enjoy playing with my friends and family and sometimes playing with my pets. The best work I like at school is reading and writing and sometimes spelling.
My best friend is Savannah. She likes jumping on tramps and watching TV. She has long brown hair and brown eyes. I like her because she always cheers me up and makes me laugh.
When I grow up I want to be in the navy so I can be fit and healthy.
This year, my learning goal is to challenge my thinking so that I can be brainy at achieving all my learning goals.
I have a brother and a sister. I live with my mum and my brother. My sister is 19 years old and my brother is 10. I have 2 cats and thousands of chickens. I love my family because they love me.
I am Maori and I love my culture because it represents who I am.
I enjoy playing with my friends and family and sometimes playing with my pets. The best work I like at school is reading and writing and sometimes spelling.
My best friend is Savannah. She likes jumping on tramps and watching TV. She has long brown hair and brown eyes. I like her because she always cheers me up and makes me laugh.
When I grow up I want to be in the navy so I can be fit and healthy.
This year, my learning goal is to challenge my thinking so that I can be brainy at achieving all my learning goals.
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